Tag Archives: trending topics

Swine Flu, #swineflu, & H1N1 a social experiment

More interesting than Swine Flu or H1N1 sweeping across continents, is the fear about  Swine Flue or H1N1 sweeping across continents. What is it that we as Americans have for this kind of story. We freakin’ love it. Are people actually scared of Swine Flu, I doubt it, but we love talking about people freaking out about Swine Flu.

Currently on Twitter Swine Flu, #swineflu and H1N1 are the 3 most trending topics right now…which is kind of funny I think especially since one of America’s most symbolic national institutions, Chrysler announced bankrupcy today.

2 interesting facts:

-Swine Flu has killed 1 person in the United States.

-The ‘normal’ flu that we have all had before kills 100 people a day

So why are we so enamored by this swine flu? Well, in my opinion it is because we love sensationalism very very much here in the US and it is every news organizations bread and better.

There…I said my piece…swine flu, #swineflu, #H1N1

Get this little piggy away...ahhhh....swine flu

Get this little piggy away...ahhhh....swine flu

p.s. This entire post was an experiment with using trending Keywords…duhhh…swine flu

photo cred  be_khe

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